Tuesday, March 29, 2011

"Tiny Dancer" and chicken enchiladas - am I back in Nebraska!?

My friend Jillian (who is studying abroad this semester as well) came to visit me this week as an escape from the cold and snow in her host country of Sweden. It was really nice to have a visitor, but for the first few days it felt really strange to have a friend from back home here with me. I forgot that I was in Spain for a second, especially when we would just be hanging out listening to our good music (Neil Young, Bob Dylan, Elton John, and the Avett Brothers made the playlist.) We had a great week of weather, too! I think spring is here for good in Murcia.

In other news, this cold/sore throat business that I've been fighting for a few weeks has finally caught up to me. I was miserable for a few days, but then my roommate, Ale, called our landlord, Carlos (who is also a pharmacist - luckily!) So he told me what medicines to ask for at the pharmacy and I've started to feel better!

Hope all is well with everyone! Love to all - xoxo

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