Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Oxford comma

My friend Bre turned 21 yesterday, so we had a little birthday dinner last night. Kelsey made her mom's macaroni and cheese recipe - it was so good! I think we'd all been wanting some comfort food. We all made it together from scratch, so the whole process was about an hour and a half, start to finish. Of course, we had to take a few pictures before eating -

(left to right: Kelsey, Luis, Bre)

Our dinner conversation always tends to drift through many topics, but tonight we decided to keep it academic: we talked about grammar - particularly, the use of commas and semicolons in Spanish, because their uses differ from those in English, which is what my Normative Spanish class is discussing right now. It was the perfect topic to discuss over warm, gooey, wonderful macaroni and cheese.

On another note: the state of my room here in Spain has been hitting an all time low lately. Anyone who knows me well would say that my room is never really clean. I can't explain it - I'm a strange juxtaposition of obsessive-compulsive and terribly unorganized. For example, I always carry a dayplanner that is FULL of notes and reminders, however, my floor and bed are always covered with clothes and my desk is buried under books and papers. No joke - after seeing the mountain of clothes on my bed one day, my friend Makenzie asked me where I sleep at night. But yesterday I cleaned during my break between classes! And my friends were so excited to see it that they took pictures. It's slightly embarrassing that I'm sharing this not-so flattering side of myself, but it's just part of who I am, I suppose - you're all stuck with me, haha!

Now let's just hope it lasts... :)



  1. Your room looks really cute! Does it lead out onto a balcony?
    Are you going to start posting your blogs in spanish? :P

  2. Well, it's kind of a balcony, but a more accurate description would be "a sliding glass door that leads out onto a caged-in ledge." i'm thinking of buying a little plant to put out there. :)

  3. Gretchen, we love the little-mess-of-a-thing that your sometimes are :) Your room and flat are both darling. Your mac and cheese sounds yummy and lenten ! ha
