Thursday, March 3, 2011

"Time is all around, except inside my clock."

I had a coffee date this afternoon with Bre and Julie. We all needed to get caught up on some notes and plan a few weekend trips, and there's really no better way to do that than with cafe con leche. :) In less than two hours, I booked two flights. One for a trip to Barcelona in April and the other for a trip to Ibiza in May. While we were trying to get all our plans lined up I realized how little time 4 months is. I mean, clearly, we have a lot of time here, but on the other hand I feel like it's escaping me. I guess I'm gonna have to sit down and really start planning out (and budgeting, ugh) how I'm gonna get to all these places that I need to see. Good thing I have my Fodor's travel guide to help me (thanks, Dad!)

I met with a group earlier this morning for a project for Phraseology/Translation class. We had to find 2 phrases/idioms (one in English, the other in Spanish) and a) research their origin, b) discuss the context it's typically used in, and c) provide the equivalent in the other language. So the phrases we chose were "to smell a rat" (“estar la mosca detrás de la oreja”) and "to be caught red-handed" ("coger con las manos en la masa.") That class is really interesting and actually kind of fun?? - which is really nice because its 2 hours long!

That's about it for now. There's a fiesta tonight in the Plaza de Toros that my roommates and I are going to. Other than that, it's just another night in Murcia. :)

Love to all -

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean about time slipping through your fingers (nice Regina reference, btw). I wish I could say it slows down, but that wasn't my experience. I hope you make the most out of your time and squeeze every last drop of life out of each moment!
    Also, I'm in a class right now that is all about the history/art/culture of Spain, and I always think of you when I'm in it. :)
