Monday, January 24, 2011

Un día turístico

Today was the first morning of our intensive language course. I really like going to class, mostly because it’s really refreshing all of the little things that I’ve forgotten about the language. The other students are really nice and we’re starting to get more comfortable speaking in Spanish to each other as well as in English. I think I’m going to email our program director to see if there is any sort of tandem exchange program where I could meet with someone who speaks Spanish but is also interested in learning English. That would really help me with my language and also give me something to do during the weeks to have a break from studying.
Yesterday, when my roommate Kelsey and I were out wandering around we ran into a group of exchange students that we had met at orientation and went with them to a football (soccer) game! It was sooooo much fun! Even though it was freezing and there weren’t a lot of people in attendance, the crowd has an incredible amount of energy. There was a group chanting and singing throughout the whole game. When Real Murcia scored a goal in the last second to end the game in a tie, the group on men in front of us just jumped out of their seats and started hugging and dancing. It was really cool to see.
A few days ago, the roommates and I had un día turístico (a tourist’s day) through the city. We went to see all of the famous places and here are a few of the pictures we took:
This is a tree in the Plaza de Santo Domingo, which Roberto calls the heart of the city. The tree is over 600 years old.

El Casino - Roberto described it as a social club.

El Catedral

One of the government buildings - I can't remember the name.  


  1. Thanks, Gretchen. It is so interesting to read and see the photos. I think I read that it is a Fica tree, verdad? Will you get to walk thru El Casino sometime? Have you seen any songbirds? I noted the palm trees in the pictures. Please send more info when you have time. Please email us a time when we can Skype. Love from Cozad.

  2. Sounds like another great day in Murcia.
    The buildings are so beautiful, Gretchen! And the flowers beat the snow here! You will be learning so much and we are so proud of you!
    Yeah Gretchen!
    Love, Mom
