Tuesday, January 18, 2011

this blog post cost me $10

If anyone was wondering if internet was free in the Madrid-Barajas airport - it's not. After walking around for about half an hour to find our next gate (only to figure out that this information wouldn't be decided for a few more hours) we decided to sit down and send some emails/updates to let everyone know that we've arrived safe and sound!

It has been a really long, and kind of rough, day of travel. Our flights have all be literally back to back. Our layover in Miami lasted about, oh, 10 minutes. Seriously, we were sitting in the VERY last row of one plane that was landing as our next flight was boarding. We made it though, and I'm grateful to not have had a long stretch of layovers. There was a slight rainstorm over Miami as we were landing and that made the descent really rough. Touchdown scared me because I couldn't see the ground (because we were in the back of the plane with no windows) and so we had no idea we were anywhere close to landing.

The international flight was alright. I'd like to thank Florence + the Machine, MoZella, lady danville, and Neil Young for keeping me entertained. I didn't sleep more than about an hour on that flight, so I'm waiting for the jetlag to catch up to me.

Well, my computer is probably going to die soon, and my power adapter is in my checked luggage. (I'm a genius, right!?) I'll post again when I can, hopefully including a few pictures.

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