Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Me encanta Murcia.

It has been an amazing first 24 hours here in Murcia. The city is so beautiful - the streets are really narrow and the buildings are charming. And all the people are so stylish and put together! I know I'm really going to like it here. It was nice to find my flat last night and be able to unpack my monstrous suitcases. Now I'm just looking around to see if I can find some small things to decorate. My landlord, Carlos, met me at my new place and showed me around - and how to turn the gas on/off so that I would have hot water. That's gonna be an adventure, for sure. I don't yet have internet in my flat, so I'm still having to find/use it when I can. Hopefully my roommates will be coming tomorrow. It's warm here during the days but it still gets cold at night - I had to buy a pair of house slippers to keep my feet warm because the hardwood floors get pretty chilly. The only things I really have left to do is to buy a cell phone and set up a bank account. The cell phone I will probably take care of tonight or tomorrow, but I might wait a few days to get an account. There is a local bank right down the street from my apartment, though.

My Spanish has been decent so far - I'm always surprised at how rusty I get when I don't speak/hear it for a long time. The Murcian accent can be hard to understand, but I think I'm getting better. I haven't embarrassed myself or said anything inappropriate on accident yet so that's good!

I've taken a few pictures, but will wait to post them until I have enough for a whole album. I'm going to see if I can get my hands on a map of the city. I need to start keeping track of where I've been. We found a few different grocery stores and markets here and they're all pretty close to where I live. My apartment building is right next to a bakery, so the stairwells always smell like baking dough and spices.

Let's see...what else, what else. I've been journaling too, so I'm thinking back to what I wrote in that earlier to see if I've forgotten anything...but I don't think I have. More later!


  1. When I saw the post "Me encanta Murcia" on your FB, I thought it was the title of your blag... I'm so glad it's not. And I'm even more glad you're having fun. I really hope to see you there this summer! Que te disfrutes y no puedo esperar oír más de tus adventuras! (má o meno) jejeje. Have a blast! Agur!

  2. Yay, Gretch! Reading your blog reminds me of how I felt when I was in Oxford...I'm glad things have gone well for you! Keep up the posting--I want to re-live studying abroad through you!
    ¡Buena suerte!

  3. Hello from F*R*O*S*T*Y Coeur d'Alene where the temps are in the teens and the skies are blue and sunny. Been thinking about you since your 24 hour day of 25 hours of travel. Sounds like the jet lag didn't get the best of you. I'll continue to check and await photos. Have fun and stay safe. Love, Aunt K8

  4. To our Gretchen~ It sounds like you're figuring things out rather quickly...I knew you would :)
    You are missing another 6-8 inches of fresh snow here in Nebraska. Oh darn! Anxious for your roommates to arrive, aren't you? Hope you are tucked in warmly as its 2:30am in Murcia. Dad has you on google earth and we see the campus. We need an address!
    We love you!
