Saturday, January 22, 2011

Roommates, orientation, and a night out!

The past few days have been fantastic. I usually just leave my apartment in the morning and spend a few hours walking around. At first, I would just turn and wander and weave through the streets, and I would ultimately end up just wonderfully lost. Now, I’ve been marking the places that I’ve been on a map of the city, keeping track of all the markets and stores that I find and want to come back to. Last night I came home to a great surprise – ROOMMATES! I have three – Keyla, Kelsey, y Alejandra. They seem like great girls and I think we’ll all get along really well. It’s nice to have someone in the apartment with me – it was starting to get a little bit lonely.
On Friday we had orientation for international students. We talked about signing up for classes, how to use our student ID cards, etc. Then we went and took a placement test for the language course that we will be taking over the next 2 weeks until classes start. I thought that I did pretty well on the test, but then I realized that I forgot to answer some of the questions on the back. :/ Oh well, I guess. After orientation, Roberto, our International Education coordinator, took us on a walk through the city. He showed what he called, “the heart of the city,” and other places, like a tiny little street lined with the best tapas bars, El Casino, which is a social club (pictures of that definitely coming soon!) and we went inside the Cathedral. Even though I’ve spent the past 2 days wandering around this city, I hadn’t stumbled upon any of the places he showed us, apart from the cathedral, which you really can’t miss. I can’t wait for the semester to unfold so I can find out what else Murcia has to offer.

First Friday night out in Murcia! Had such a fun night out with the roommates - here we all are together (from left to right: Keyla, Kelsey, me, and Alejandra)

1 comment:

  1. Saturday Morning
    That's what I'm talking about! A picture...and you know what your Uncle Jim would say ...'brainy beauties'. From the outside looking in, you look like a perfect match of 4! We are ready to skype. Can we get an appointment? :) Tonight is Midwinter Dance and of course, there is a story to go along with that. You know funny little Claire!! There is new snow for you to 'not miss'. Same old weekend fun here...Enjoy your weekend and get ready to STUDY!! We love you! Mom and Dad

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