Thursday, February 24, 2011

A view from the top

On Saturday, Alvaro and David took the 3 of us (Keyla, Ale, and myself) hiking in the mountains around Murcia. We met up around 10:30 and drove out of the city to where the trail begins. David had his two dogs, Bella and Bianca, with him, which was so fun! They were really sweet and it was nice to get in some time with some animals. 

It was a perfect day! The weather was warm and sunny and there were a lot of people out and about. We got passed by mountain bikers every couple of minutes. Some of them rode past us going up the mountain and others flew by us on their way down. It seemed like they were having a lot of fun - but I’d be scared out of my mind riding down a mountain that fast!
We ate lunch at the very top of the trail. You could see all of the valley and the city of Murcia. It was breath-taking. Definitely worth the long hike up the mountain.

1 comment:

  1. What did you have to snack on on your hike? What a view...Is that a lake in the distance? Did you see any birds? I will send you some photos to share in your tandem class.
