Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Blogapolooza - Cartagena, España

Wow, I feel like this is a lot of blogging in a short period of time! But, I need to post about Cartagena before the details start to slip my mind –

We caught the bus at 10:15 and drove about 45 minutes south of Murcia to the port city of Cartagena. This city has a strong naval history and has been an important naval base in the country since the 16th century. The first thing we did was go to the tourism office and they gave us a map and circled all the places that would be interesting (and recommended the places that didn’t charge entrance fees.) We went to the Castillo (castle) first and the view from up there was spectacular. It was really cool to see the ocean; as soon as I saw it, I was just dying to go down to the docks.
After the castle, we started walking down toward the harbor. We stopped to get lunch because we were all pretty hungry, and then we started walking around the city square and down by the water’s edge.

Being next to the Mediterranean was really overwhelming, but in a really good way. I think at that moment it really hit me that I am halfway across the world. There’s a whole ocean between myself and the place that I’ve spent my entire life. I don’t know; I’m still wrapping my mind around that. Haha! Anyway, my roommates and I went on a boat ride that took us around the harbor. There was a narration playing over the loud speakers during the trip, telling us about all of the buildings and things that we were passing by. It was warm in the sun and the wind was in my hair - I could have stayed on that boat forever. It was absolute perfection.

After getting back on dry land, we went to the ruins of the Roman amphitheatre. I, sadly, did not go into the museum. It cost 4€, and I needed bus fare to get back to Murcia, so I opted out. Dad, I can just hear you saying, “Oh, come on!” or something like that, but I promise you – I’ll go back and visit it before I leave.
Overall, it was a nice day trip. The thing that had the most lasting impression on me was the Mediterranean Sea. It completely took my breath away - I can’t wait to see it again.


  1. How do you say 'jealous' in spanish?
    Those are beautiful photos, Gretchen.
    What a perfect day! Now, get to class!
    Love, Mom
