Sunday, February 6, 2011

Let me be clear that I promise you, dear, a little more sunshine...

It’s finally starting to warm up here, which makes me a very happy girl. I still take my coat with my everywhere, but now I can take it off and warm up in the sun while I walk or sit in the plaza. Sorry to all the Nebraskans who are getting buried in snow right now. I’ve also been thinking that I need to keep my eye out for some sun block. As the whole world knows, I have a really fair complexion and I sunburn really easily. Back at home I usually have to wear SPF 50+ to keep from burning… as Aunt Mary Pat said once, “SPF 8!? We wear that to bed!”
I was talking to Claire on Facebook chat earlier and I was telling her that I get called “rubia” a lot. Rubia is Spanish for blonde, and blonde hair isn’t very common here. For example, in the market, the woman will ask me, “Te puedo ayudar, rubia?” (Can I help you, blondie?) I had one woman come up to me and touch my hair and ask me if it was naturally this color. Hmmmm, qué más? I’m still getting used to the whole “kiss when you greet” thing. Here they do a kiss on each cheek (always going to the left first!) when they meet a new person or when they meet up with friends. Personal space is so different here than in the U.S. People stroll down the street arm-in-arm and they stand really close together when they talk. It’s very sweet to me. When I see the little old ladies walking hand-in-hand and talking I can just tell that they’ve been friends their whole lives. It reminds me of Keely and me – we always hold hands when we’re out walking around. We’d fit right in here!
I was thinking earlier today that it’s been almost a full 2 months since I’ve been in class. I hope I haven’t gotten too used to having all of this free time! My classes start here tomorrow morning… actually, afternoon for me. As of right now, my only class on Mondays is from noon to 1:00. The classes I’m taking are Social Structure, Spanish Language for Mediums of Social Communication (I have just no idea what this is gonna be – it was under the Journalism major, which is in the School of Communication, so I’m hoping it counts for something!) Where was I…? I’m also taking History of the Modern World, Literature Theory & Comparative Literature, and Spanish Literature of the Middle Ages.
Over the weekend I went to a port city nearby named Cartagena. I'll post a seperate blog about that trip, though, because I want to include pictures. I also still need to post the photos from our tourist day, which was almost two weeks ago already... time is already flying by too quickly. All of that will be coming soon. :)

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