Thursday, April 28, 2011

"Come and open up your folding chair next to me"

Here are some pictures of where I spent my afternoon.

Our spot on the beach

Standing in the water

Standing in the water
6 hours of sun?? Maybe not my wisest decision. I'm actually not terribly sunburned, just a little pink on my shoulders and cheeks. I've had worse, believe me.

Last week when Dad was here he was asking me if I had any goals for my last 2 months here (are there seriously only 2 months left!?) Anyway, I couldn't really think of an answer when he asked me, but now that I've had some time, I've come up with a few responses.

1. Learn 5 new words every week.

2. Try to talk to atleast 1 local person everyday.

3. Cook the tortilla espaƱola.

4. Travel to Granada to see La Alhambra.

That's all I've got so far. Nothing too exciting... I'm sure more will pop up as these months progress. Just two months more!? Really??

1 comment:

  1. Soooo jealous. Also, I did my presentation for my Spanish class on the Alhambra, and it is such a cool place! I'm glad you're going to see it! I can't wait to hear about it! :)
