Tuesday, May 17, 2011

"Many origens, one purpose."

Yet another heartwarming, fun-filled day of Phraseology class.

We´re talking about slogans, mottos, and such, and for the first hour of class we just talked about different symbols from the Spain, the United States, and China. A few examples of what we talked about are, "E pluribus unum," the flag of Spain, and a national seal from China. Then, when we were talking about mottos, the professor asked if each state in the US really has it´s own motto or slogan. We said yes, yes they do. So he asked us to write each of ours on the board. I jumped up, went to the board and wrote: "Nebraska, the good life"...

And then I sat down and realized that isn´t the state motto... it´s what the welcome sign on the interstate says. Oops. Anyone could make that mistake, right?

(The actual state motto for Nebraska is, "Equality before the law"... a fun trivia fact for ya.)

At the end of class, the professor thought it would be fun to come up with a motto for our class in groups and then vote on our favorite. There were some good ones in the mix, but we finally chose, "Muchos origenes, un propósito," which translates to the title of this post.

I think I´m gonna miss that class...


  1. I haven't had a chance to review the blog for awhile but it was good to see some photos of our trip with you. You posted some good goals for the remainder of your time in Espana. I am sure you will meet them...Love, Dad

  2. Yeah, I just realized I misspelled "origins" in the title... my English sucks. ;)
